- Tips on Finding the Best Fundraising Company for Schools
As the new school year starts, the biggest concern for any PTO parent is to find a school fundraising company that’s not in it just for a good sale.
Planning and executing a school fundraiser is a tough task. To plan a fundraiser, however, what’s more important is finding the best company for it. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you pick a school fundraising company Bradenton, FL for the following school year.
Tip # 1: Think About Maximizing Profits
When opting for a fundraising company, your first thought should be to find one that will maximize your profits too. Fundraising is all about making a small investment that goes a long way. If this is your 5th, 6th or even 100th fundraiser, you already understand that the more you raise, the more funds you can generate for the school. So, talk to the company personnel and ask them for a detailed report on their average sell-through rate.
Tip # 2: The Best-Selling Product
When you’re trying to find a school fundraising company Bradenton, FL , your focus needs to be the product being sold by the company. Before executing a fundraiser, you need to know your audience and then opt for the product or services that would attract your audience – in your case children, parents and the faculty. Normally, good fundraising companies have an array of products to choose from, and have the expertise to guide you into a better direction.
Tip # 3: The “WOW” Factor
Any school fundraiser organization will definitely have a USP. Find out what is special about that company, what sets it apart. Make a list of important questions to ask, compare the portfolios of the ones you make a list of, and then make an informed decision on which one benefits you the most.
USP’s differ from company to company. The most common is a best-selling product, others include, great discounts, attractive packaging, or reasonable prices. With that being said, don’t decide based on the company’s USP, decide on whether they’ll bring in good business, and what best suits the fundraiser at your school.
Tip # 4: Sampling is Important!
If you’re still skeptical about the school fundraising company Bradenton, FL, the first thing you should do is sample their products. Doing a small survey on their products is one way to determine if the company is a good fit.
Tip # 5: Ask for References
Another way to pick the perfect fundraiser company for your school is to ask the company itself for references. This tip is an important one! Don’t make any decisions in haste. It’s important to know what kind of company you’re affiliating yourself with. The references can be of renowned companies or even past clients the company has worked with
If the company has good references, and each of them checks out, you know you have a great company for your school.
The Bottom Line
A good fundraising organization will have your answers for you, and will be able to provide the best service out there. To have a hassle-free and stress-free fundraising year for your school, keep these tips in mind, we hope they will help you in making a fruitful decision.
By, 6KMarketing.com
- Why Choose Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraising?
Why Choose Otis Spunkmeyer For Your Fundraiser?
Fundraising for schools is done to finance various extra events including PTA events, field trips, scouts, improving school gym, enhancing the basketball court and various other purposes. One of the best ways of raising money is approaching a well-known brand for help. Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising can help you raise money for various events at your school. Otis Spunkmeyer is a well-known brand that sells chocolate chip cookies, cakes, mini muffins, and various other baked products. The company has been a huge active support for school fundraising events.
Here are some ideas that work well for the purpose of fundraising.
- Classic lemonade stand
This is one way for completing the activities of PTA fundraising and school fundraising in a successful manner. The students at school can set up a stall for lemonade and sell it to students, teachers and other people at school. The money collected can be used for field trips, sports activities, recreational activities, plays and other school events. This is a decent way to earn the required sum of money.
- A school play to raise funds
This idea works well when it comes to school fundraising. You can organize a play in which the school kids can participate. It is better if the play has a message behind it along with a flavor of entertainment. You can keep a decent ticket price so that parents can attend it to watch their children perform or accompany their children if they are not participating. It is better to mention on the ticket that the money is being arranged for a specific purpose (picnic, football field improvement, enhancing food court etc.). This helps the viewers (particularly parents) in understanding the purpose for which the money would be utilized.
- A spelling contest
A spelling contest can be organized on a school-wide scale. You can place an entrance fee for the students who participate in it. Along with that, parents can buy tickets to see the contest. The total sum of money arranged from participation fee and tickets can be used for the intended school-related purpose. In addition to that, you can also promote this contest through social media and brochures. A prize can be given to the top three position holders.
Why Otis Spunkmeyer is an ideal option for fundraising?
People are more inclined to spend money on something that they are in love with. It is hard to ignore the scrumptious products by Otis Spunkmeyer including cakes, muffins, cookies and cookie dough. Even if you do not have a sweet tooth, it is hard to stay away from these yummy bites. Considering the popularity that the company has, Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising is an amazing option to raise money. Here are a few reasons that justify this.
Well liked popular brand
Today, people are brand conscious about everything including what they eat. It is obvious that there are several other brands selling cookies but Otis Spunkmeyer has much larger sales volumes due to the popularity. In other words, people are more likely to buy an Otis Spunkmeyer cookie than settle for other brands. Thus, if you are using Otis Supunkmeyer at your school selling cookies or cookie dough, arranging money for any school-related event would not be a problem at all.
Otis Spunkmeyer is something that most of us have been in love with since we were kids. The amazing smell of cakes, cookies, muffins and is spellbinding. It is quite hard to resist buying when you are passing by.
Active Fundraising Company
As a company, Otis Spunkmeyer has been involved in fundraising for a very long time. Thus, it helps in raising money in a much quicker and simpler manner as compared to other brands. Along with that, edible products are much easier to sell because they do not have a long shelf life so people feel the urgency not spend a lot of time thinking about buying them and goes on impulse. Considering the consumers that this company has along with its brand reputation, it is one of the finest options for fundraising.
Easy quick selling
It is not hard to sell Otis Spunkmeyer products because people absolutely love them. Once you have Otis spunkmeyer fundraising at school selling these delicious cookies, cakes, and cookie dough, all the products would be sold in no time at all. Brand popularity and reputation matter a lot when it comes to fundraising. Otis Spunkmeyer has been such a popular company for fundraising because of the liking people have for its products.
The Otis Oven Program
There is nothing that smells better than freshly baked Otis Spunkmeyer cookies. The Otis Oven program is a wonderful method to do fundraising. In this program, a commercial oven used by Otis Spunkmeyer cooking experts is placed at the school, business, or event and freshly baked cookies are served. This program is highly successful for fundraising and you can easily use it to raise money for all kinds of school events including rebuilding the school eating area, basketball court improvement, organizing concerts and organizing book fairs. The Otis Oven program is one of the best methods for school fundraising.
How can Perry Campbell help you?
When you want to approach a well-known brand as a fundraising partner, it cannot be done through a direct approach. You need to get in touch with a reputed company that shares a fundraising partnership with that particular brand. This is exactly what Perry Campbell would do you for. This company shares a fundraising partnership with Otis Spunkmeyer.
Why Perry Campbell?
Perry Campbell Fundraising (www.perrycampbell.com) is one of the best companies helping with all kinds of fundraising. It only has fundraising partnerships with the most reputed brands including Otis Spunkmeyer. The company is highly professional and provides end to end assistance for fundraising and the customer does not have to worry about anything.
Perry Campbell has organized hundreds of Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising events in the past. Thus, if you are looking for a successful fundraising event, Perry Campbell would help you with all the tasks.
- Fundraising at its Finest
Fundraising at its finest
When you talk about school fundraising, it is a strong productive way to gather money for educational improvements, PTA’s and other similar purposes. For productive school fundraising, the best way is to approach reputed brands. When people buy the fundraising products by these brands from their stalls, forms, and kiosks, they earn money which is used for fundraising purposes for the organization or cause.
The role of PTA’s (Parent Teachers Associations)
There is no doubt that PTA’s play a key role in fund raising for lot of purposes including field trips, after school dance clubs and school sports clubs. The fundraising ideas and activities are finalized in PTA meetings. Some fundraising ideas used by PTA’s are as follows.
Walk a thon
A walk a thon is a superb fundraising idea that can be used to collect a large sum of money. It’s a healthier activity for school fundraising as compared to setting up a stall of candies. Walk a thons involve students as their parents and the participation fee is quite low. Prizes are given to position holders. PTA’s and fundraising companies use this method quite commonly to raise funds.
Selling T Shirts
Selling T Shirts is one of the quickest methods to raise funds for education and other purposes. To start with, you need to find a t-shirt fundraising service through which you can design custom T Shirts. You need to have a catchy design or highlight a key event through the apparel.
It is important that the targeted audience knows about the T Shirts being on sale. You need to spread the word through newsletters, brochures and on the PTA Facebook group, PTA section of the school website and through all other platforms so that the maximum sales can be generated. A fundraising program can only prove to be successful if people know about it.
Getting a school carnival organized
A school carnival is a good option to save money for field trips, sports activities, fun fairs and other purposes. In a carnival, usually stalls of different things are put up by students including food, board games, balloon shooting, spoon race and other things. Money is earned through entry tickets, game coupons and donation boxes. A lot of schools use this method to raise money for educational improvement, sports competitions and other purposes as well.
Partnering with a popular restaurant
When it comes to food, a lot of people are brand conscious and prepare popular restaurants. PTA’s do consider this option to raise money for any extra activity at school. To start with, you need to select a restaurant that is loved by students and teachers. Secondly, get a confirmation about whether the restaurant has a fund raising program or not. If it does offer a fund raising program, get in touch with the related staff for organizing the campaign.
Fundraising through popular cookie and chocolate brands
It is hard to avoid chocolates and this statement holds water for most people. At times, PTA’s use chocolate and cookie stalls to raise funds for a desired purpose. If you want to opt for the same approach, Perry Campbell (www.perrycambell.com) is one company that can help you. Perry Campbell fundraising has various strong brands including Hershey’s and Otis Spunk Meyer.
Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising
The reputation and popularity of a brand matter a lot for fundraising purposes. Otis Spunkmeyer is one of the most popular cookie brands in the US. People of all age group love Spunkmeyer cookies. Thus Spunkmeyer fundraising can prove to be a good option for raising a large sum of money in a small time frame. Students can easily sell the Spunkmeyer cookie dough considering the popularity and raise money for the desired purpose in quick time The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising program helps in raising money by selling cookie dough produced by the company. Interested people can get in touch with Perry Campbell for the needed support.
Otis Spunkmeyer fundraising is more helpful than a lot of other brands considering the popularity that it has. Promoting the brand through a cheerleader performance or a simple stall can generate the needed sum of money without a lot of hassle.
Hersheys fund raising
When you talk about brands dealing in chocolate products, Hershey’s is one of the most popular brands. The brand has a wide range of products including chocolates, syrups and shakes.
- Hershey’s fundraising is a very good option to raise money as the brand is very popular. Most people simply love buying Hershey’s products. People know about Hersheys and the products that it sells. Thus, they are willing to spend money to buy them.
- Perry Campbell (www.perrycampbell.com) has Hersheys as one of its fundraising partners. Thus, if you want to use the brand image to earn money, you can get in touch with a representative of Perry Campbell and he would be able to guide you regarding the process.
Fundraising through celebrities and popular brands
People are willing to pay money for popular brands and endorsements done by celebrities. For instance, if a celebrity endorses a fund raising campaign, a lot of money would be earned in a short time frame. This is because people follow celebrities and when they endorse a fund raising campaign, people are willing to pay money.
- Getting hold of popular brands is another key tip to raise money. Most people do not spend money on a new brand because of low popularity level. On the other hand, when you are using popular brands like Hersheys for raising money, the task becomes a lot easier. This is because people know about Hersheys and a lot of them consume its products. Similarly, if you talk about Otis Spunkmeyer, it is a liked cookie brand and its cookie dough gets sold in no time.
- Fundraising becomes quite hard if you are using the image of a brand that is not popular or does not have a positive image. If you want a fundraising campaign to be successful, it is important to partner which a well-liked established brand.
By, 6KMarketing.com
- Small Pieces to Build Big Goals – Hershey Fundraising
Small Pieces to Build Big Goals
Have you ever noticed that fall is candy season? Even outside of Halloween, the candy appears at concessions stands for every autumn sport. It’s used to bribe students to participate in extracurricular activities, and the beginning of the school year means thanking parents for their effort with a treat.
You can tap into the magic of the candy season to help set your fundraising goals on the right track for the school year! Hershey fundraising is useful in boosting the kids to fundraise for individual extracurricular expenses like team trips. It’s bite-sized sales that every group member can handle, and imperative to push the team to reach that ultimate target.
Here’s how:
- Traveling Sales-Kids
The Hershey XL carrier is a five-pound tote that holds a time-tested assortment. It’s easy for a kid to carry to just about selling spot, and 30 items per box is a perfect number to keep motivation high with milestones throughout the fundraiser.
Retail is currently inundated with the pop-up trend, so your fundraiser should benefit from the concept. Kids can bond by creating posters and decorations to make “pop-up candy stores” in places like car washes, churches, or carnivals. Individual sales or squad efforts are conducive to friendly competition within the group, making the fundraising goals tangible for kids and much more fun for everybody.
- Candy bars are the perfect add-ons
The Hershey fundraising candy box is filled with easy-to-sell candy, not weird leftovers. If you’ve caved to the checkout lane Candyland, you know brand-name candy is hard to resist. It’s a sure profit.
Of course, it may not be feasible to reach those targets with candy sales alone, so think about this scenario:
Your student-aged neighbor comes to your with order forms and promises of Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough. Your purchase helps their school orchestra to perform in NYC in the spring. You think this is a worthy cause and sign up to purchase several tubs of dough to feed visiting relatives over the holidays.
However, your sweet tooth is activated, and you want treats now.
This student, with genius backed by an experienced school fundraising company, brought a box of candy bars which they are selling individually to aid the fundraiser. You buy a Hershey bar. Your craving is satisfied immediately, and you brought that student a few bucks closer to NYC.
Now that is some next-level fundraising.
- Fall sports are for snacking
We want to be supportive of our student-athletes. Their activities steal weekends, though, and bleacher-induced back pain is tedious. What if games had candy for sale so parents could help the team a little more, enjoy something sweet during the game, and bribe the athlete’s younger siblings into being good sports?
At most events, people plan on buying some sort of snack and, with the payment options of the twenty-first century, it’s harder than ever for people to deny those cravings and good causes by “forgetting their cash.” Go ahead. Twist arms. You know they want you to.
Candy bars may not be the big-ticket items that help a group reach their targets in one fell swoop, their utility and versatility make the Hershey fundraising candy box a superb addition to those campaigns throughout the school year.
By 6K Marketing
(https://6kmarketing.com) - A Sweet Recipe for Your Best Fundraiser Yet!
A Sweet Recipe for Your Best Fundraiser Yet!
Think about these facts:
- You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t like treats or helping children.
- It takes a titanic mental battle to turn down sweets.
It’s easy to turn these two fundamentals of life into money towards the fundraising goals of your kid’s extracurricular. So easy, in fact, that the fall onslaught of charity might just be fun for the parents. It’s the campaign that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty asking the community to purchase things they won’t use, exhaust children as they sell more than their body weight in candy bars, or force parents into the planning Olympics of putting on an event.
That’s right. There’s a way out (besides hiding from the booster committee).
Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraising is a proven success for customers, kids, communities, and well-meaning but overwhelmed parents and educators everywhere. Here’s how:
- Everybody loves delicious treats
Otis Spunkmeyer is a well-known brand with a reputation for being irresistibly good. The chances are that it’s been in your life- the muffins, the cookies, or, everyone’s favorite- the tub of cookie dough. If you’re like the typical human, that container didn’t last long in your freezer before it had mysteriously disappeared, one spoonful at a time.
In the rare case that you meet someone with the self-control to resist those Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, remind them that they can use the goodies when they have company, or even use cookie dough to bake for their kid’s upcoming bake sale. That reasoning works like a charm.
- Getting a boost from the bigger ticket
A fundraiser will be more successful in a shorter timeframe if fewer items can be sold to meet the same fundraising benchmarks. It’s just math- you get to do a lot less work and make more money.
With the higher price of the focal items, the option of diversifying opens up. Especially if you work with a local fundraising company to smooth out logistics, you can customize the campaign to profit wherever possible. For example, parents can collect orders for muffins and cookies while selling candy bars at the concessions stand.
Otis Spunkmeyer is a company that works extensively in fundraising. They have honed their catalog and pricing throughout the years to help you because they look their best when your fundraiser rocks.
- Working smarter, not harder
We’ve agreed that charitable junk food is not a difficult sale to pitch to customers by any stretch, but that’s not the only way that Otis Spunkmeyer makes your begrudging “volunteer” job a breeze.
Since their drives are always a hit, local Otis Spunkmeyer distributors work year-round and know the process, meaning you won’t be thrown into the deep end of planning the fundraiser, putting it on, and then distributing the product to customers.
Instead, you’ll find premade publicity- catalogs, order forms, social media announcements, flyers, and more- available as soon as you set the plan in motion. You can ask questions and receive expert answers in running a professional benefit for your kids. And then they’ll all but deliver straight to your customers’ doors.
You can help your child’s team, class, or club to reach their fundraising goal in no time by following the recipe for sweet success- an Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser!
By 6K Marketing
(https://6kmarketing.com) - How to Run a Fundraiser Without Breaking a Sweat
Welcome to Perry Campbell Fundraising, your number one source for all things fundraising. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best products for your fundraiser, with a focus on dependability, customer service and uniqueness. Save the Parents! How to Run a Fundraiser Without Breaking a Sweat
Every parent fears the dreaded words at the PTA meeting: “Would you please head our fundraising committee?” The parent agrees, because it’s the right thing to do, and then it turns out exactly like the nightmare they had in mind.
The silver lining of this universal sacrifice (of time, patience, and goodwill towards the education system) is that there are people invested in practical solutions, where your project can produce results without you washing a single car. School fundraiser companies are specifically designed to remove a months-long migraine and help you to be successful.
Get a head start on your kid’s fundraiser (you know it’s coming) with these tips:
- Go after the sweet tooth
Whereas sane human beings are tired of plastic knick-knacks and coupons they’ll never use, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a demographic that won’t go for treats. That’s why food fundraisers are the most successful.
Of course, make sure to pick the right sweets to sell. Candy bars are fun because most people have $2 in their pocket for the impulse buy, but then the fundraiser gets only a tiny amount of money per transaction. While every penny counts and it’s thoughtful of people to be generous for the kids, the better route is bigger-ticket items. Items like Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough and Red Wheel Pies tend to be fantastic, especially in holiday seasons. They make it easy to entertain company!
- Pick a Local School Fundraiser Company
Think logistics- you’re basically starting a business partnership. By nature, local outfits get the product way closer to its final destination, which facilitates the delivery of the goods to your school.
On top of being a breeze to work with, locals with community roots run local companies, so they want to help you in every way possible to have a successful fundraiser. Think: who wants to fix the baseball diamond as much as you do? Corporate headquarters 50 miles away, or the family who drives by that eyesore at least once a month?
Plus, an operation that serves your area will know it well. The owners will help you pick which products will sell best and avoid accidentally competing with fundraisers from sports organizations or other schools.
- Delegate
You are a busy (exhausted) parent, and it’s time for someone to treat your donated man-hours with respect. To that end, don’t do work that you don’t have to do!
It may seem attractive to put together a zany DIY fundraiser, cut out some of the middlemen by working directly with wholesalers or put together an event like a walkathon, but these almost always backfire, turning into black holes for your time.
Go with a company that has everything ready to roll: downloadable media packets, helpful catalogs, and all the prizes and incentives to drive friendly competition (procuring those laser tag parties turns out to be the best-kept secret time-suck in all of PTA history).
There are experts for school fundraisers. Don’t waste time trying to become one- just hire them instead.
Get a jump on the school fundraiser that you know is just around the corner by lining everything up with your local fundraising company.
Perry Campbell Fundraising at local Florida PTA conference and shows.